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校对:周黎 责编:鲁信 终审:刘明杨 时间:2024-09-24 阅读:

Remarks by Dr. Jun Liu

Dear President Zhao, esteemed faculty, accomplished parents, and most importantly, our more than 6,000 bright new students of 2024 at Wuchang University of Technology, Good Morning!

I am Rector at City University of Macau, a partner university of Wuchang University of Technology, and I am delighted to be here, thanks to President Zhao’s kind invitation. It is indeed an immense honor to stand before you today at this momentous occasion—the new students' convocation. Today marks not just the beginning of your academic journey, but also the start of a transformative chapter in your lives. As you take your first steps into this vibrant community and beautiful campus, I want to share a few thoughts that I hope will inspire you as you embark on this exciting adventure.

First, embrace curiosity. The world you are entering is filled with endless opportunities to learn and grow. Do not shy away from asking questions, exploring new ideas, and challenging the status quo. Curiosity is the spark that ignites innovation and creativity. Let it guide you through your studies and beyond.

Second, build connections. The friendships and relationships you cultivate during your time here will be invaluable. Engage with your peers, professors, and mentors. They will not only enrich your academic experience but also support you during challenging times. Remember, collaboration often leads to extraordinary outcomes.

Third, be confident. The path ahead may not always be smooth. You will face challenges, setbacks, and moments of doubt. Embrace these experiences as opportunities for growth. Resilience is not just about bouncing back; it’s about learning, adapting, and moving forward with renewed determination.

Last, but not least, stay true to yourself. In a world that often pressures us to conform, I urge you to remain confident. Pursue your passions, follow your values, and take pride in your own potential. Your unique perspectives and experiences are what will drive innovation and change in the world.

As you embark on this new journey, remember that you are not alone. You are part of a community that is here to support and guide you. Embrace every moment, celebrate your successes, deal with your challenges, and always be confident in seeking solutions to solve problems and overcome difficulties.

Once again, welcome to this new chapter of your life. May your journey at Wuchang University of Technology be filled with discovery, growth, and fulfillment. I wish you good luck and every success.

Thank you.








